Pkware smartcrypt prices
Pkware smartcrypt prices

pkware smartcrypt prices

Smart encryption technology Smartcrypt delivers persistent data protection without the tradeoffs that (until now) have prevented organizations from adopting strong encryption. Smartcrypt accomplishes this through technologies like format-preserving encryption, which encodes data while enabling it to be useful across analytics platforms, and Smartkeys, which control user access to data. It makes key surveillance, rotation, and deletion easier which improves security. PKWARE’s Smartcrypt is a revolution in enterprise data protection, allowing customers to protect their data at rest and in use, even when it moves outside the organization.

pkware smartcrypt prices

Consolidating policy and key management simplifies administration to reduce the risk of errors and blind spots, while also freeing time for personnel to tackle other tasks.

pkware smartcrypt prices

#Pkware smartcrypt prices software#

For nearly three decades, PKWARE has provided encryption and compression software to more than 30,000 enterprise customers and over 200 government agencies. Thales KeySecure encryption and key management appliance secures and centralizes the administration of Smartcrypt’s keys and certificates. Smartcrypt armors data at its core, eliminating vulnerabilities everywhere data is used, shared or stored. As a bonus, the ability to compress data reduces strains on bandwidth and allows customers to derive greater return on storage investments. In any of its deployment scenarios, end-users see no change to their experience while organizations escape needing significant changes to their underlying infrastructure. Smartcrypt for z/OS is flexible customers can embed encryption directly into their applications, or secure mainframe databases with field-level, length-preserving encryption. PKWARE Smartcrypt Platform for z/OS offers organizations a mainframe encryption solution to secure their sensitive data.

Pkware smartcrypt prices